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 Stop Spyware 

Stop Adware


There is only a few choices to stop spyware or to stop adware. With the exception of a spyware or adware killer that will completely eradicate these parasites you need to turn to a personal desktop firewall.

If you are paying attention to your personal desktop firewall it will prompt you when a program either hidden as spyware or noticeable like M/S Word is trying it access the Internet. You actually have to tell it "NO" do not access the Internet.

You have to make sure you train these personal firewalls to ask you every time if you want your personal information sent to the home company.

You can't stop spyware or stop adware without a lot due diligence. Of course you can eradicated it by using a program like Spyware Nuker (on the right of this page). But if you don't have Spyware Nuker on your desktop then you have to train your personal firewall to not send your personal data over the web to the "home" company.

Firewalls in general can be complicated. That's why it is a whole lot easier to stop spyware or stop adware by deleting the program all together.

Click the graphic below for a free spyware and adware scan to see if your personal computer has been infected!




Spyware-Killer.com presents Spyware Nuker!

Have you noticed your computer running slower than ever?

The reason for that may have to do with online advertisers adding SpyWare or AdWare to your computer without your knowledge. "Spyware" is a common term for files that are installed on your system without your knowledge that allow companies to monitor your Internet activity. "AdWare" is software that will show you popup ads over and over. What they don't tell you, however, is how these files can be extremely dangerous to your PC and could cause major problems with your PC.

We are offering every computer owner, including yourself, the opportunity to scan your computer to see how many "SpyWare" infections your PC has free of charge.

To scan your computer for free, click here: free scan to check to see if you have spyware or adware installed

Our goal is to put an end to shady online advertising so that Internet users can enjoy the World Wide Web without having their privacy intruded upon.

We urge you to run the free scan!

Click Here To Begin Scan:


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